The Men for God ministry, or M4G, is a place where all men, regardless of age or background, can meet together and fellowship without fear of judgement. In this space, men can mentor one another, disciple one another and encourage one another. Members support each other and are accountable to each other. M4G believes in and promotes the importance of having people around you who you can relate to, speak to, share your thoughts with, and just be real with.
M4G meet for a fellowship braai at the Redberry Farm on the first Friday of every month. We also meet for early morning prayers every Friday from 05:00 to 06:00.
M4G also facilitates a course called “Authentic Fatherhood”. It is a course based on “The World needs a Father” by Cassie Carstens.
“The World Needs a Father” (TWNAF) came into being in February 2011. It aims to prepare boys and young men to be fathers one day, to help fathers provide proper leadership to their families and to restore fathers to their God-given place as servant-leaders of their families.
For more info on the Men for God ministry, contact the church office on: