Creative Director
Debbie Veysie
My name is Debbie Veysie and I am married to Peter. Peter and I have the privilege of leading the George Methodist Church together, working to our different strengths.
I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 9 years old and since I was a young girl I have been passionate about serving the church. In my teen years, my family was part of planting a new church in Hillcrest. We sat in the ruins of something else and brought out a facility that captured the hearts and minds of a new generation. As the structure rose, I made an inner pact to do this with the rest of my life.
I am a qualified school teacher, a professional photographer, interior decorator and for about 17 years of my life I ran an art school for adults who exhibited their art at an annual arts festival. Together, Pete and I have led churches for the last 30 plus years. We have raised three incredible boys, who are the joy of my life. By nature I am an encourager and if you give me a project I’ll get my ‘hands dirty’.
My hobbies outside of work are dancing, drinking coffee, gardening and spending time with people.
The potential of creating a functional structure, that brings people together, to serve God, has become my life’s passion. At my very core, I believe that all people matter to God.